This is a song dealing with a more sensitive topic in Romania, as seen through the eyes of the elderly. Decades of political mismanagement and individualism have resulted in massContinue readingBiba
This is a song about coming to terms with things that shouldn’t have happened. Things that had to happen nevertheless.
Wacken World Wide 2020
This year we all have been heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and all the restrictions and precaution measures that came with it. However, we had the honour to beContinue readingWacken World Wide 2020
This is a description of a strange feeling, where you experience every moment of your life at the same time, as if the entire existence contracted into one single point.Continue readingIes
We continue a consistent journey about being true to oneself, in a world where everybody wants you to bow your head. Out of a thousand threads of wheat, ready toContinue readingDoi
“Călăuză” or “Guide” is about getting fed up on the weight on your shoulders, about the evergrowing list of problems that one encounters during the journey we call life. OftenContinue readingCălăuză
Floare de Fier
The “Iron Flower” is a feeling that grows deep and strong within us, making us lose contact with reality at times by being stuck in the same routine, same setContinue readingFloare de Fier