Autocondiţionarea. Am scris texte relativ lungi şi hrănitoare, cu valenţe de referinţă la conceptele asociate primelor două piese din colecţia nesfârşitelor. Iar acum am căzut în propria-mi plasă, constrâns aContinue readingDespre multe dintre gesturile noastre
Aer cu ţârâita
Sunt destul de fragmentate ideile mele pe aici. Dar cred că tehnica asta surprinde binişor ceea ce-mi trece prin cap, incoerenţa consecventă şi tendinţa de a nu mă agăţa deContinue readingAer cu ţârâita
A fi viu
Am fost întrebat uneori de ce mai există fazele de genul “hop ș-așa”. Momentele astea eu le văd ca pe niște ustensile acustice, potrivite în context. Însă nu le-am bănuitContinue readingA fi viu
Three new songs
Here are three songs from our upcoming album, Nesfârşite, which we will release this friday, 19.07.2019. Send us a message to preorder.
Sneak Peek: Michalina Malisz (Eluveitie) tracking for În frânt
Not much to be said. The one and only Michalina Malisz tracking something for our song, În frânt. You can see the concentrated #gurdyface.Bonus: guess the time signature.
Nesfârşite guest IV: Michalina Malisz
It is time to present you the final guest on Nesfârşite, Michalina Malisz from Eluveitie. She is a passionate Hurdy Gurdy virtuoso who needs no further introduction. Member of EluveitieContinue readingNesfârşite guest IV: Michalina Malisz
Nesfârşite guest III: Archy Jay
Our next guest on the upcoming album “Nesfârşite” is none other than Archy Jay, also known as The Snake Charmer. You might know her from her extremely popular bagpipe videos,Continue readingNesfârşite guest III: Archy Jay
Nesfârşite guest II: Daniel Neagoe
It’s time to introduce our second guest from our upcoming album, Nesfârşite, Daniel Neagoe. He is an experienced musician, having played with heaps of bands. Currently he is creating amazinglyContinue readingNesfârşite guest II: Daniel Neagoe
Nesfârşite guest I: Robert Cotoros
Today we want to introduce you to our first guest musician from our upcoming album, Nesfârşite: Robert Cotoros (The Bipolar Disorder Project, ex- Hteththemeth). Have a listen to his music.Continue readingNesfârşite guest I: Robert Cotoros