„Fântânile de la capătul lumii” is a more somber song, continuing the tradition of „Epitaf” of describing how mankind affected Earth’s evolution in the last few centuries. The „wells atContinue readingFântânile de la Capătul Lumii
This song explores the primordial nature of man, the animalic instinct that has led us through centuries of evolution, and that is still everpresent whenever we face difficult situations thatContinue readingTrecătoare
‘colo ‘mbia
„’colo ’mbia” talks about the ever-present hypocrisy spreading across various fields of activity (music included), where the pure intention is hijacked by the need of licking one boot or anotherContinue reading‘colo ‘mbia
Fagure Negru
„Fagure Negru” is a place of refuge, of contemplation. Simultaneously dark and sweet, it talks to us about complex feelings that surround upon losing someone dear. There’s not just theContinue readingFagure Negru
New Album 2023 Crowdfunding – UPDATE 1
Dear friends, thank you! In as little as 48h our campaign for funding our future album (due spring 2023) we managed to gather over 100% of the funds that weContinue readingNew Album 2023 Crowdfunding – UPDATE 1
E-an-na – New Album 2023 Crowdfunding
CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN: DONATE HERE All rewards greater than 50 RON also include a digital copy of the album. Important! The price of the physical rewards includes shipping to the E.U.Continue readingE-an-na – New Album 2023 Crowdfunding
New video & song: Suit în Nor
Our brand new song, Suit în Nor, is now available for streaming on most platforms. Pick yours here. However, if you prefer to support us directly, you can either buyContinue readingNew video & song: Suit în Nor
Suit în Nor
Nowadays we are all interconnected via the invisible web of the spider and up in the cloud (Suit În Nor), we have a different persona, one that feels immortal, beingContinue readingSuit în Nor
Inspired by the band members’ own experience in struggling with imposter syndrome, Cenușiu serves as a guide for the young mind through its own unique path, despite the many hurdlesContinue readingCenuşiu
Toropeală summer video
Dino is still here! The summer of 2022 comes with a re-interpretation of the song “Toropeală” off M.L.R. Being one of the more successful songs on the E.P., we decidedContinue readingToropeală summer video