New Album 2023 Crowdfunding – UPDATE 1

Dear friends, thank you!

In as little as 48h our campaign for funding our future album (due spring 2023) we managed to gather over 100% of the funds that we set as a target for this project. We are extremely grateful for this, and we wanted to update you on the matter.

However, before starting the campaign, we ran a cost estimation for this album, and noticed that the grand total would be around 300% of the currently proposed sum. The crowdfunding will still run for over 30 days, and even if we don’t manage to raise more money, we will be forever grateful to you.

However, if you haven’t had the chance to donate and you wish to do so, there is still time. We would also like to remind you that we have some really awesome rewards for our supporters, and we intend to add some extra stuff in order to celebrate reaching 100% of our initial goal so quickly.

Oh, and don’t forget: among our rewards, the most unique one is the last tier, where we offer to compose and record a whole new instrumental song JUST FOR YOU! Isn’t that awesome?

Much love from E-an-na.